I Had an Out of Office Injury. Am I Covered by Workers’ Comp?
You’re at the office, and you leave to visit a client. While driving to visit the client, you get into a car accident and sustain injuries that require much more than a first-aid kit. Although you’re not physically in the office, you’re still technically on the clock or within the course and scope of employment. Do you have a workers’ compensation claim?
Injuries Within the Scope of Employment May Be Covered
Injuries that are generally considered to be within the course and scope of employment are injuries that occur while you are acting within your job duties – whether you are in your usual office or running work-related errands outside of your usual office. If you sustain such injuries, you are most likely covered under your employer’s workers’ compensation coverage. Generally speaking, if you are injured while getting paid for doing what you are doing, you likely have a workers’ compensation claim.
Injuries considered to be within the scope of employment occur while you are acting within your job duties, injuries considered to be outside the scope of employment are the opposite. Such injuries are sustained when you are not getting paid for doing what you are doing. For example, commuting to and from work is considered to be outside the scope of your employment. Therefore, injuries sustained while commuting rarely qualify for a workers’ compensation claim. Of course, as in many areas of the law, there are exceptions. Similarly, when you are out for lunch, you are outside the scope of employment.
Once you know you have a work related injury, there are steps that you need to take to document your injury and file a claim. Our experienced Florida workers’ compensation attorneys compiled a short list to help you.
Remember, most attorneys who handle workers’ compensation cases don’t charge for the initial consultation, so contact one of our workers’ comp attorneys to learn exactly how you are covered.